LeavePlanner maximizes staff efficiency

LeavePlanner absence management solution will save your employees, managers and HR team the time and effort it takes to manually process and administrate leave of absence requests. The three step process to requesting and authorising absence is both quick and simple with LeavePlanner.

1. Make a Leave Request

Using their unique user ID and password an employee logs into LeavePlanner and selects the hours, part day, day or days required.

Making a leave request

2. Summary of Leave Taken

Your employee is shown details of the leave requested and how this will affect their leave allowance before submitting to their authoriser.

Check the request details before confirming

3. Automated Leave Request Submitted

Your employee’s authoriser instantly receives the request knowing that a series of checks have already been carried out by LeavePlanner. These include if the employee has enough allowance remaining, have provided enough notice or if the dates coincide with other key staff.

Check the request before authorising

4. Leave Authorisation and Confirmation

Once authorised, the employee is notified, the calendar updated and the necessary adjustments to the employee’s leave allowance is automatically updated.

For any queries, call Steve on 01252 636 070 or email support@leaveplanner.com
