Businesses need to be prepared for ‘National Sickie Day’ on the first Monday in February, which according to national statistics, is the day when most people are likely to pull a sickie.

This year it falls on Monday 6th February.

Common ‘reasons’ given on National Sickie Day

Cold, flu, migraines and injuries are all common reasons staff cite when calling in sick, however the real reason for taking a day off may differ greatly.

For many, the weekend before will be the first pay day since Christmas, so some people will take time off to nurse a sore head from a heavy weekend, or take the opportunity to catch up with friends.

Research by Arden University revealed almost half (46%) of UK workers are likely to be at an interview that day, after employees have revaluated their career path in January.

Top 20 unbelievable excuses 

In a recent survey, bosses were asked what reasons their staff had given to justify their absence from work.

Here are the top 20 bizarre and unbelievable reasons:

1) “I broke my arm trying to grab a falling sandwich.”

2) “My mum was hoovering the stairs and I couldn’t get past.”

3) “I am stuck under the bed.”

4) “I’m not sick but my llama is.”

5) “A fox stole my keys while I was asleep.”

6) “A chicken attacked my mother.”

7) “I got my finger stuck in a bowling ball.”

8) “I’ve managed to secure a parking space outside my house and I can’t risk losing it.”

9) “My cat is stuck in the dashboard of my car.”

10) “All of my work clothes are wet so I can’t make it in today.”

11) “Death of a distant relative (which they later found out is still alive).”

12) “I poked myself in the eye while combing my hair.”

13) “It’s my dog’s birthday and I need to arrange a party for him.”

14) “I accidentally sent my uniform to the charity shop.”

15) “I can’t come in today because my flatmates took my door handle off and I can’t get out.”

16) “I accidentally got on a plane.”

17) “I dreamt I was at work. As I thought I was there, I just stayed asleep.”

18) “I swallowed a hot sausage last night and it burnt my throat so badly I can’t breathe today.”

19) “I have a peg stuck on my tongue”

20) “I climbed a tree to help a cat, now I’m stuck”

How LeavePlanner can help 

With LeavePlanner, it’s quick and easy to report staff absences, approve staff holidays, adjust absence allowance and report past absences.

LeavePlanner can be used to effectively monitor staff absences; making sure staff members are aware there are consequences for unapproved leave will help to act as a deterrent for staff taking unnecessary sick leave, or getting tempted to pull a sickie.

For a free, no obligation 30-day trial, call Steve on 01252 636 070 or email

For any queries, call Steve on 01252 636 070 or email
