The modern workplace is evolving, with many businesses adopting more flexible work arrangements. This shift has led to a hybrid working model, where employees split their time between working in the office and working from home.

Hybrid working offers a balanced approach, combining the benefits of both in-office and remote work. In this blog, we’ll explore the advantages for both employers and employees, how to determine the best days to work from home, and how businesses can effectively manage this transition.

Benefits for employers

One of the main benefits of hybrid working and ‘hot desking’ is cost reduction. With fewer employees regularly in the office, businesses can operate from smaller spaces, saving on rent and utility expenses. This efficiency allows businesses to expand their operations without needing larger premises.

Additionally, fewer in-office employees result in lower expenses for energy, office supplies, and petty cash items like tea and coffee. Cloud-based software and video conferencing tools have made remote collaboration and communication seamless, ensuring that productivity remains high even when employees work from home.

Benefits for employees

Hybrid working can significantly improve employees’ work-life balance and overall wellbeing. Working from home eliminates time-consuming commutes, reducing stress and saving money on fuel and public transportation. Meanwhile, days spent in the office foster social interaction and collaborative work environments.

Choosing the best day to work from home

Research shows that Wednesdays are the best day to work from home, providing a balanced work week. A survey found that 30% of people preferred working from home on Wednesdays, while only 2% chose Thursdays.

However, the best day to work from home depends on your business’s nature, your busiest days, and individual working styles. Here are some key factors to consider:


If you have critical deadlines or important meetings, working in the office might be beneficial for quick, in-person collaboration. However, if you find remote work allows for better concentration, choose those days for tasks requiring deep focus.


A study on workplace behaviour found that employees are least civil at the beginning of the week, becoming more friendly as the week progresses. This suggests that working from home early in the week might be advantageous.


While traditional team meetings on Mondays can help plan the week, video conferencing now offers a flexible alternative. Some prefer in-office Fridays to wrap up tasks before the weekend.


Consider your commute when planning remote work. If you have long travel times, working from home on those days can save time and reduce stress.


Trust and communication are crucial for a successful hybrid model. Flexible planning allows employees to work from home when needed, accommodating personal commitments and emergencies.


Studies show that productivity peaks on Mondays and Tuesdays. This information can help you decide which days to work from home based on your workload.

Working Pattern

Part-time schedules and office space limitations may dictate the best days for remote work. Employers should plan carefully to ensure office space is used efficiently and fairly.

Managing Hybrid Working

LeavePlanner simplifies managing hybrid work arrangements by allowing administrators to specify employee working hours, patterns, and rotas. It helps maintain appropriate staffing levels by efficiently managing holidays and absences.

For stress-free hybrid working, try our absence management software. Arrange your 30-day free trial by calling 01252 636 070 or emailing

Pssst! Check out our new all-in-one system, HR Planner, which incorporates an easy-to-use leave management solution, designed specifically for SMEs.


For any queries, call Steve on 01252 636 070 or email
